[영어 첼린지 06] 수업시간에 유용한 표현 (3)
2020년 5월부터 여름학기 강의를 시작했습니다. 처음이라 아직 서투른 부분이 많이 느껴졌습니다. 그래서 수업시간에 함께하는 교수님 또는 학생들의 사용하는 표현들을 수업 중간에 적고 정리해보려고 합니다.
Go nuts: 미치도록 열중하다.
To become extremely angry and crazy. / To behave in a crazy, enthusiastic, or violent way
ex) You are not expected to go nuts with teaching but put more focus on your research.
ex) A goal was scored and the crowd went nuts.
Maneuver: 책략 술책
A planned and controlled movement of military forces
A planned action that is intended to obtain an advantage
ex) If you need guidance on how to maneuver to get things done, I am happy to assist.
ex) A clever maneuver by the chairman secured a valuable contract for the company.
I need to figure out what happened: 무슨일이 일어났는지 한번 알아봐야겠어.
Send over: 전송하다.
ex) Could you send over the files.
Collaborative compilation: 협력적 모음집
ex) We adopted Wiki technology in a collaborative compilation in a textbook.
Behind time: 시간이 밀리다. 늦었다.
ex) We are behind time and had to rush.
Translate actionable plans: 실행가능한 계획으로 전환하다.
ex) The best-performing students do a better job of translating that strategy into actionable plans.
Do you have any material to share?: 공유할 자료가 있니?
How do you draw relevance to our design studio / How is it relevant to the theme of our design studio?:
어떻게 우리 디자인 스튜디오와의 적절성을 찾을 수 있을까?
Per se: 그 자체로는
by or itself.
ex) The drug is not harmful per se, but it is dangerous when taken with alcohol.
~wise 접미사: ~한 방식으로, ~한 관점으로는
~wise is added to nouns to form adverbs indicating that something is the case when considering the particular thing mentioned.
ex) Things are not good business-wise.
ex) it was a poot show, talent-wise.
Somehow: 어떻게든, 왠지
In a way or by some means that is not known or not stated
ex) It won't be easy, but we will get across the river somehow.
For a reason that is not clear:
ex) I know what we are doing is legal, but somehow it does not feel right.
Stick to: 방침을 고수하다.
to do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in
ex) You do not need to stick to the ppt template.
ex) He was determined to stick to his decision.
Leave it to somebody: 누군가에게 맡기다.
To allow someone to do something without one's involvement or interference
ex) I leave it to you to have the whole day planned out!