영어 노트/영어 첼린지

[영어 첼린지 05] 회의 때 나온 표현 정리 (2020 05 20)

필로홍 2020. 5. 22. 12:07

학교에 부임하고 두번 Monthly faculty meeting에 참석하였습니다. 원어민은 아닌지라 안타깝지만 아직 회의에서 논의되는 내용들을 다 알아들을 수는 없었습니다. 그래서 회의 중간에 잘 모르거나 정확히 모르는 표현이 나오면 노트에 적어놓고 다시 들어다 보려고 합니다. 이게 첫번째 정리가 될 것입니다. 앞으로 영어 첼린지에 올리는 포스트들은 지극히 개인적인 영어 공부와 관련된 노트가 될 것 같습니다. 그래도 이런 노트들이 계속 쌓이면 언젠가는 저도 영어 회의가 익숙해지는 날이 오길 바랍니다.


Conversion rate:  환산율 / 전환율

The conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors.

> If an e-Commerce site receives 200 visitors in a month and has 50 sales, the conversion rate would be 50 divided by 200, or 25%.


Convey: (물건/의견/생각 등)을 전달하다

> We need to clearly convey who we are.


Outreach: 지역 주민에 대한 기관의 적극적인) 봉사[원조/지원] 활동

Outreach is an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time.

> We are not doing a lot of outreach in the local community. 


Reach out to somebody: ~에게 관심을 보이다. 접근하다.

Try to communicate with a person or a group of people to help or involve them.

> The new mayor is reaching out to inner communities to involve them in his plans for the city. 

> She set up her charity to reach out to the thousands of homeless on the streets.


Presume: (실질적인 증거는 없지만 사실일 것이라) 추정하다.

To believe something to be true because it is very likely, although you are not certain:

> I presume that they are not coming since they have not replied to the invitation.

> People accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty.


Flesh out something: 살을 붙이다. / ~을 더 구체화 하다.

To flesh out something is to give it substance, or to make it fuller or more nearly complete.

To add more detail when describing or explaining something.

> She fleshed out her proposal/plan considerably before presenting it to the committee for action. 


Map out: (계획을) 세심히 입안하다. 계획하다. 

To plan something in detail.

> The department has issued a new document mapping out its policies on education.

> His future is all mapped out ahead of him.


Resumption: 재개

The start of something again after it has stopped.

> a resumption of negotiations/talks/trading

> Student care arrangements to resume from June 2.

> The Government has given an order that all universities are to resume back to their academic activities on June 2.