[영문 이메일] 이메일 답장임을 알리기
외국에서 일을 하다보니 하루에도 여러번 영문 이메일 답장을 하게 됩니다. 이번 포스팅에서는 이메일 답장임을 알리는 다양한 표현을 정리해 보았습니다. 이메일도 많이 써봐야 익숙해지고 늘겠죠? 저도 한가지 표현이 아니라 다양한 표현으로 이메일 답장을 작성해봐야 할 것 같습니다.
Thank you for your e-mail dated + 날짜
● Thank you for your email dated January 24, 2017
In reference to our recent exchange of emails, 주어 + 동사
● In reference to our recent exchange of emails, I am pleased to inform you on the following process.
● In reference to ~에 관하여
I would like to respond with this reply.
● Thank you fo your inquiry of May 25, to which I would like to respond with this reply.
● Inquiry: 문의 사항
I am writing in regards to your 날짜 email.
● I am writing in regards to your January 23 email.
● In regards to ~에 관하여
In response to your email of 날짜, 주어 + 동사
● In response to your email of January 25, it is my pleasure to inform you of Dr. Kim's appointment to Editor in Chief.
I am replying to your email of 날짜 in which you asked
● I am replying to your email of January 24 in which you asked whether I could send you information about our conference schedule in Hong Kong.
도움이 되셨다면 공감하트 꾹 눌러주세요~!